Free Trade Agreements
Recently India has entered into Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Australia which has brought the spotlight on FTAs. After British PM Johnson’s visit, there is a buzz of a FTA with UK. Let’s discuss - What are FTAs and what are advantages or disadvantages for the concerned countries and their economies. What are FTAs ? By definition a FTA connotes a treaty between multiple countries (set of two or more) whereby they agree, on a reciprocal basis, to open up access to their respective markets for trade and other economic activities, without restrictive entry barriers or export and import tariffs. To quote Encyclopedia Britannica “ free trade , also called laissez-faire , a policy by which a government does not discriminate against imports or interfere with exports by applying tariffs (to imports) or subsidies (to exports). A free-trade policy does not necessarily imply, however, that a country abandons all control and taxat...